Tag: Alzheimer
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Alzheimer and Balance
When the brain and central nervous system is off balance it causes a series of complications to…
March 8, 2014
Posted in My blog posts
Alzheimer and Pain
How they feel Alzheimer’s disease causes serious pain for families, friends, and the person suffering. As the…
November 26, 2013
Posted in My blog posts
Accelerated Disease of the Aged in Alzheimers
Due to economical, social, healthcare, education, and other factors the diseases in our older generation are accelerating….
November 9, 2013
Posted in My blog posts
Alzheimer Reducing Risks
In life, we all have risks, which we can take measures to reduce a vast majority of…
August 29, 2013
Posted in My blog posts
Causes of Alzheimer
Alzheimer’s disease presently is a confusing disease, since experts are unclear as to what causes the condition….
April 9, 2013
Posted in My blog posts
AD Alzheimer disease
AD or Alzheimer’s disease and its patients begin showing symptoms around 25 years after the developing stage….
January 2, 2013